Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 11:00 am

Lazarus Ministry

“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” Did you ever consider whom it is to do the comforting? It has always been a ministry among Christians to care for the dead and the bereaved. One each, of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy deal with the faithfully departed. That is to bury the dead and to pray for the living and the departed.

The Lazarus Ministry is named after the brother of Mary and Martha whom Jesus raised from the dead. It offers those who mourn their gift of PRESENCE and TIME at all funeral liturgies.

Lazarus Ministry members are people of our parish sitting right next to you.

They provide support through the communal prayers and song of the Eucharist; and along with the priest, represent the whole parish at the death of one of our own. Lazarus members minister by receiving the body of our deceased and welcoming the family; as readers, Eucharistic ministers and altar servers.

The Lazarus Ministry is open to anyone. If you are interested in participating in the Lazarus Ministry, please call the parish office at (518) 895-2788