Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 11:00am (Interpreted, Livestreamed)

Live Mass - Sunday 11:00 am,
Funerals and Marriages

Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-700685

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Welcome to our Parish

Recorded Masses

Mission Statement
Christ the King Parish is called together by God as a faith sharing community to radiate, celebrate and proclaim Jesus Christ through prayer, word, worship, and service as we seek to build up His one body, adapting to the diverse needs of the people in whose midst we live and witness.

Parish Registration Form

To better serve you, if you are a registered parishioner and have had any changes to your contact information, please update your information

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Please be aware! ~ If you receive an email or text from Rev. Rick Lesser asking for donations, please be assured it is a fraud.  Fr. Rick will never solicit funds by email or text. Please don’t open and delete this email or text if you receive one.

Parish Events

Annual Joseph A. Bosco Memorial Golf Tournament

Blood Drives (Apr, June, Aug)

2023 Annual Report

Summary statement of our activities from Feb-June 2022
Complete Compilation of Synod Responses  |   Synod Report - 6-30-22

Pastoral Care Resources

2020 - 2025 Strategic Plan

15 Ways to Support Our Local Senior Community

How To Get Here