Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 11:00am (Interpreted, Livestreamed)

Pastoral Council


Margaret Carle
Marie Hartigan
Amber Marino
Bob Murphy
Colleen O'Hehir
Dave O'Hehir
Rick Ronda
Vanesa Goldberg
Patti Kasuba
Lina Abu Judom
John Potenciano

Click the members name to send an email

Council consists of ten (10) at large members, Pastor, Deacon(s), two (2) staff members, two (2) trustees and up to two (2) youth representatives.  Each at large member is discerned for a three-year term, and can serve for only two consecutive terms. In the event of a vacancy, new member will be appointed or discerned to fill the remainder of the term.  This will not constitute one of the two consecutive terms unless the filled position is for a three year term.