Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament |
Tuesdays following the 9am Mass until 7:00pm. Spend quiet time in prayer at any time or for a regularly scheduled time slot each week.
Lynne Roor | (518) 456-5005 |
Altar Linens (Laundry Ladies & Gents in Christ) |
Clean and press corporals, purificators and lavabos in your home on your schedule.
Lelia Danker | (518) 438-3061 |
Altar Servers |
Assist the priest at all weekend liturgies.
Dr. Ngozi (Ng) Akubuo | (518) 250-5611 |
Bereavement Team |
Support for families who have lost a loved one by being present at the Wake Service, Funeral Mass, Memorial Service or gravesite service.
Fran Schmidt | (518) 727-1839 |
Cross Bearer |
Carries the cross in procession at any Mass you attend. |
Please see any of the ushers/greeters before any of the Masses. |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Aid in the distribution of Communion.
Michelle Dryden | (518) 477-3366 |
Faith Sharing Group |
Meet monthly for the purpose of growing in the faith.
Deacon Joe & Maryann Markham | (518) 456-5301 |
Greeters/Ushers |
Welcomes those who gather for Mass and special events and arrange the offertory procession.
John Risler | (518) 452-8282 |
Lectors |
Proclaim the Word of God at Mass and special liturgies.
Bob Dowling | (518) 452-9940 |
Liturgy Coordinators |
Coordinates ministry positions and sets up for Mass.
Gina Luce | (518) 505-3977 |
Music |
Choir |
Wednesday rehearsals, 7:00pm, to sing at 11am Mass and special liturgies. |
Instrumentalists |
Any instrument Min. 3yrs playing experience. |
Resurrection Choir |
Sings at funerals and memorial services. |
Youth Choir (Grades 2-5) |
Rehearses from 9:30-10:30am on Sundays. |
Junior Choir (Grades 6+) |
Rehearses from 9:30-10:30am on Sundays. |
Melinda Conroy | (518) 456-1644 |
Prayer & Worship |
Help plan special liturgical events.
LouAnn Cleary | (518) 456-1644 |
Wedding Coordinator |
Assist couples at the rehearsal and day of their marriage.
Paula Murphy | (518) 456-6356 |
Altar Décor |
Helps with plants and decoration of the sanctuary.
Dawn Perlin | (518) 608-1596 |
Buildings and Grounds |
Assist in the upkeep of the buildings and grounds of Christ the King.
Gina Luce | (518) 456-1644 |
Gardens |
Meet on Tuesday evenings from spring to fall to maintain gardens.
Margaret Tarpinian | (518) 456-0307 |
Serves the parish and neighboring communities in a faith-based program preparing children for kindergarten in an atmosphere of love, caring and respect.
- Office Help assist with mailings and other office duties.
- Substitute teacher, teacher aide.
- Library/lunch duty playground duty assistant.
Virtus Training, Code of Conduct and Background Check required to work with children as well as NYS OCFS clearance and 15 hours of related training annually.
Marisa Vedder, Director (518) 456-5400 ctkecec@gmail.com marisavedder@gmail.com |