Holy Masses
Saturday Vigil: 3:45 pm
Sunday: 10:30 am
Wednesday: 9:00 am
Fridays: 12 noon, Adoration: 11:00 am
Confession Service
Saturday: 3:00 pm
The Church is now open.
Holy Masses
Saturday Vigil: 3:45 pm
Sunday: 10:30 am
This is a partial list of the ministries at St. Joseph’s Church. If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries please talk to the contact person.
Altar Rosary Society: Aa group of women who meet once a month to pray the rosary. They also help at different parish functions, take trips to shrines. Please call Jeannie Swenson (518) 294-6727.
Altar Servers: Assist the priest during liturgical celebrations. Anyone in 3rd grade and up are welcome. Please contact Fr. Joe.
Bereavement Group: Share your experience, strength and hope during the grieving process. Please contact Debi Sanna (607) 397-1864.
Communion to the Sick and Homebound: This ministry brings Eucharist and visits with the home-bound of the parish. Please contact Parish Office (607) 397-9373.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Assist the priest with the distribution of Holy Eucharist. Training is provided. Contact Parish Office (607) 397-9373.
Knights of Columbus: A group of men who pray the rosary and help the parish in different capacities. Please contact Sean Filipowski (973) 897-8102.
Lectors: Proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy. Anyone that has celebrated Confirmation is welcome participate. Training is provided. Contact Parish Office (607) 397-9373.
Liturgy Committee: A group of men and women who help decorate the church for the different liturgical seasons. Please contact Teresa Millias (607) 397-9342.
Music Choir: If you are interested, contact Terry Hait (607) 652-3347.
RCIA: Tthe Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a program that works with adults who are interested in becoming Catholic. Please contact Parish Office (607) 397-9373
Religious Education: Help bring the faith to the next generation by being involved in the Religious Education program. If you are interested in teaching or assisting another teacher, please contact the parish office.
Right to Life: If anyone is interested in leading the Right to Life group, contact the Parish Office (607) 397-9373.
Usher/Hospitality: Ushers take up the collection during Mass. If you would like to greet people at doors and distribute bulletins please join hospitality committee. Contact Parish Office (607) 397-9373 .