The Church is now open.

Holy Masses
Saturday Vigil: 3:45 pm
Sunday: 10:30 am

Faith Formation

Religious Ed. runs from September through May on Sunday’s at 9:00 AM.
$10 per child up to $25 per family

Youth Ministry
- Jeanette Castro (607) 287-0254

N.C.Y.C is a biannual conference. The youth participate in different fund raising and parish events in order to help fray the cost of the pilgrimage. The cost of the trip varies from year to year. Requirement is you must be in High School the time of the pilgrimage.

Youth Update

NCYC Image

Our church was blessed to send send Kelly Gallagher, Adult Chaperone, and 3 youth  (Emily, Korah and Hugh)  to the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) this year.  This bi-annual conference took place in Indianapolis, IN and was attended by over 20,000 other Catholic's from around the country.

Having attended  N.C.Y.C. over the past years  I'm well aware of how this conference confirms and builds your faith in the Catholic Church. Our diocese was able to attend Mass with Bishop Scharfenberger before the opening ceremony. Very cool!  Then it was on to the opening ceremony.  All participants gather in Lucas Oil Stadium which feels like a giant concert.  The youth and chaperones dance, sing and celebrate their faith while listening to Christian artists.  This years theme was "Called". Next the speakers welcomed everyone to NCYC and prepared them for the ride they were about to take. The speakers used humor and life experiences to speak about the reality of who they are and of God’s love for each of them.  Each days opening and closing session was live steamed. Hopefully you were able to watch some of them!  I sure did.

During the conference Kelly shared with us on St. Joseph's Facebook (St. Joseph Catholic Church -Worcester NY) page that they were able to participate in a service project with Helping Hands - Catholic Relief Services (CRS).  CRS has an exhibit at NCYC where you can help feed the hungry, one of the corporal works of mercy.  You sign up for a time and when you are called you put on a hairnet and plastic gloves to help weigh bags of rice. At the different stations one person weighs the rice in a plastic bag by placing in on a scale. The next person adds spices, someone seals the bag and then they start packing the rice (meals) into brown boxes to mail to countries needing food.   This year the meals are being sent to Burkina Faso.

Another highlight of NCYC is being in a huge stadium while having exposition and confessions going on.  It is an amazing sight to be with over 20,000 people and you can hear a pin drop. In the past I've found this to be a great way to slow down at the conference and check with God.   Our God is good and wants each of us to stop and check in.  St Josephs church is blessed to have exposition every Friday morning after Mass.

Those at NCYC attended different workshops, experienced their Catholic faith on a larger scale, participated in daily activities for two days.  The speakers at NCYC are fantastic and motivational.  The youth exchange mementos (hats, pins, bracelets) from other youth around the country.  The conference ends at the appropriate time due to your starting to run out of energy from lack of sleep with Mass at the stadium.  The Mass in the stadium is awesome to be present at.  There are bishops, deacons and over a hundred priests present. You leave Mass knowing you're loved, called and feel the need to go back and share this awesome experience.  Hopefully, Kelly or one the youth will share their experience with you. 


NCYC Participents