Immaculate Conception
Saturday: None
Sunday: 8:30 AM

St. Joseph's
Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday: None


Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday 3 - 3:45 PM at St. Joseph's or anytime by appointment. Communal Reconciliation is scheduled during Lent and Advent.

Baptism: Parents and expectant parents meet for pre-baptismal Catechesis before the celebration of the sacrament. Consult the parish bulletin for details or call the parish office for information and reservations. Baptism may take place at a weekend liturgy or on the first Sundays of the month at 12:00 PM. God parents must be active Catholics who are regular participants in the life of their local parish.

Matrimony: In accord with universal Church Law, we will assist parishioners and their immediate families in their planning and celebration of the Sacrament. Prospective brides and bridegrooms must meet with the priest/deacon before setting a wedding date. Our marriage preparation consists of one of these two programs: Engaged Encounter or Sponsor Couple Program. Weddings may not be scheduled less than 6 months from the initial contact with the priest or deacon.

Confirmation: Our secondary school parishioners are prepared as a part of our Faith Formation program. Adults and young adults who have completed high school are invited to a formation period geared to their needs and faith level. Call the parish office for details.

Anointing of the Sick: There is an annual communal celebration, usually in early autumn. Call anytime it is felt necessary, in the hospital or at home. It is preferable that the sick person be very conscious, aware and involved in this liturgy. It is especially significant when a group of family and friends are able to participate and lend prayerful support.

Rite of Christian Initiation: Older Children (7+) and adults are baptized or received into the church at the end of a period of initiation. Christians baptized in another faith tradition need not be baptized again. However, they will be prepared for full reception into the Catholic Church as they celebrated the Sacraments of Conformation and Eucharist. Call the parish office for details.

New Parishioners: We welcome all new parishioners to our parish. I invite you to speak with me after mass and to make out a census form so we can better serve your needs.