Immaculate Conception
Saturday: None
Sunday: 8:30 AM

St. Joseph's
Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday: None

Ministries and Organizations

We invite parishioners to share in and call upon the various ministries we have in our parish: Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Home and Hospital Visitation, Bereavement Ministry, Liturgical Ministries, Usher and Greeter Ministry, Music Ministry, Altar Servers, Catechesis and many more. Even our shut-ins are urged to participate through the Ministry of Prayer and Praise. Call our Parish Office for information and contact persons.

Charlie's Pantry: Charlie's Pantry assists the poor and needy of our neighborhood. It meets. New members are always welcome to assist us in serving.  Contact Peter Quinn for details.

Renew 2000/Small Faith Communities: Several such groups of 8 - 12 people gather in private homes for prayer, reflection and discussion based on life and the scriptures.

The Parish Pastoral Council: This is the major consultative advisory group whose function is that of liaison between the Parishioners and the Pastoral Staff. It has several standing committees made up of some who are council members and some who are not. These are: Buildings and Grounds, Education, Liturgy, Parish Life, Social Action. The Finance Council, while not an official committee of the Parish Pastoral Council, works closely with it and is included in its deliberations and projects.

Bereavement Committee: Our Bereavement Committee seeks to help our parishioners at the time of a funeral of a loved one, by providing a lunch for those attend the funeral in our church. There is no charge for this, but a donation is welcome.

And much more:  There are a host of other groups that gather to meet and work at building up our community. All ages and interest groups are invited to contribute their time, talent and treasure for the good of our parish. For information regarding the ministries and groups listed above, please call the parish office at (518) 794-7651.