Saturday Vigil:
4:30 pm

9:00 am, 12:00 pm

7:15 am
Friday: 12:10pm during Lent

Roarke Center

Contact Information
Roarke Center
107 4th Street
Troy, NY 12180

Phone Number: (518) 273-8351
Email: information@ccalbany.org

Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Food Pantry: Mon & Fri 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Tues, Wed, Thurs 1pm-3pm
Emergency Assistance: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9am-12pm

  1. Food Pantry Services provided to increase the capacity to access food and nutrition for food insecure individuals and households and to supplement SNAP that the person receives.
  2. Emergency Assistance program provides case management to address a crisis and prevent homelessness through rental assistance, utility assistance or other basic needs.
  3. Creative Arts Program is an artistic program for persons living with various disabilities including chronic mental health. Its focus is to empower the members to self-confidence and self-expression through the different art mediums.
  4. Re-entry Services provide case management to assist individuals with re-orientation to the community after incarceration and to provide on-going support and referrals for necessary services.

The Roarke Center was founded in 1997 by the Daughters of Charity. It is named after Sr. Mary Basil Roarke, DC, a native of south Troy. In 2008, the Roarke Center became part of the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany. In 2013 the immediate supervision of the Roarke Center was shifted to the newly created agency of Catholic Charities Tri County Services. The Roarke Center has a history of mission driven services to assist the poor and marginalized people living in Troy to empower them. The various programs work collaboratively along with other community providers.

Catholic Charities Tri-County Services programs  |  Roarke Center Facebook Page  |  Catholic Charities Tri-County Services Facebook page