Holy Masses
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am
Wednesday 9:00 am
Saturday following the Vigil Mass
Sunday from 8:15am to 8:45am
and by appointment
Holy Days
See the Bulletin for Information regarding Holy Day Masses
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am
Participating in a ministry or as part of a committee provides you the opportunity to share your talents and time with our Parish in addition to growing closer with God by providing a service to our Parish. A listing of our ministries and committees are below but we encourage you to contact the Parish Office to learn more about each ministry and how you can get involved!
Lector - Lectors, also called readers, consist of men and women who proclaim the Word of God at daily, weekend, and Holy Day Masses. While the Gospel is always read by a Deacon or Priest, the Old Testament and New Testament readings are proclaimed by our lectors
Eucharistic Minister - Parishioners in this ministry help distribute, with dignity and reverence, the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass.
Altar Server - Our altar serving youth and their families lead our entrance and procession into Mass by carrying the cross and by setting the Altar in preparation of the celebration of the Eucharist.
Usher/Greeter - Ushers and greeters assist with seating of parishioners and offertory collections at Masses.
Music - Music is integral to the celebration of any liturgical event. Singing unifies and deepens, underscores and heightens our worship. In addition to singing, our celebrations are enhanced through the gifts of instrumentalists of all varieties. Singers or instrumentalists of any kind (guitar, flute, trumpet, etc.) are invited to join the music ministry.
Rosary Society - Our Rosary Society members are devoted to Our Blessed Mother and help with a communal recitation of the Rosary once a month before Sunday Mass. The Rosary Society also invites you to participate in Mary's First Saturday Rosary every first Saturday at 8:30 AM. Complete details and times are announced in the Church bulletin.
Hospital Visits - If you or a loved one is currently admitted to an area hospital and would like a visit, please make a point to call the Parish Office so that our priest or a Eucharistic Minister can schedule a trip.
Knights of Columbus - Our Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal benefit society which provides many services to the Church and our Parish. Meeting monthly, our KoC assist with fundraising, hosting dinners, and providing all-around general support to our parishioners.
Parish Council - Parish Council meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month (excluding July and August) at 6pm in the rectory. Parishioners are always welcome to attend and are encouraged to join and help shape the direction and growth of our parish by advising and assisting our Pastor in areas of pastoral concerns.
Finance Committee - Our finance committee offers their time and talent as a Christian service to assist the Pastor in the development and management of the parish financial resources.
Bereavement Committee - In time of death of one of our parishioners, we offer to serve a luncheon after the funeral mass in the church hall. The family is asked to provide a meat platter and our bereavement committee will provide everything else
Building and Grounds Committee - This committee coordinates and plan activities surrounding the maintenance of the properties and grounds of the Parish. Our committee members also monitor the condition of the physical environment and advise the Finance Committee and Parish Council of current facility and grounds status
OLV Café - The OLV Café supports our area NET (Neighbors Eating Together) dinners in which our community is invited into our Church hall to share a meal. OLV Café volunteers are asked to provide a dessert for these dinners and assist in the setting up and cleaning of the Church hall for these events.
Joshua Project - The Joshua Project is a nonprofit group of faith based volunteers working for social justice in our communities by improving the lives of those who are most vulnerable. Volunteers have assisted with food distribution for the vulnerable, furniture delivery for the needy, collecting winters coats for the cold, supporting summer lunch programs and more!