Saturday Vigil: None
Sunday: 8:30 am

Ministries & Committees

Building and Grounds
Andrew Turner
Daphne Thompson
Finance Council
Dana Mochovciak
Jessica Aikins
Marguerite Webster

Pastoral Council
Kerry L. Mess (Chair)
Dana Mochovciak
Jenna Turner
Carol Tyson
Marguerite Webster

Pastoral Council Minutes
June 2024
March 2024
January 2024
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023

Michael Stensland
Richard Meyers
Liturgical Committee
Marguerite Webster (Chair)
Carol Tyson
Betty O'Brien
Jen Spivey
Julie DeLaurentiis

Opportunities to Serve

A catechist shares their faith in the Risen Lord and their love for the Church by assisting parents in the faith formation of our parish children and youth. Training for this ministry is available in the parish at the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels.

Food Pantry Volunteers
Volunteers assist people who come to the Food Pantry as well as helping with the Regional Food Bank and Wal‐Mart food distributions. For information, contact Janice Hinkley at St. Mary's: (607) 432-3920 X212

Hospitality Ministry
This ministry provides hospitality in the form of receptions for funerals and parish celebrations. Members setup, prepare food, contact people to assist and host these gatherings.

Lazarus Ministry
The Lazarus Ministry will offer those who mourn the gift of Presence and Time at all funeral liturgies. They will provide support through the communal prayers and song and with the priest; they represent the whole parish at the death of one of our own. During the liturgy they will minister by receiving the body of our deceased and welcoming the family, as well as serving in the liturgical ministries of reader, Eucharistic minister and acolyte.

Liturgical Ministries
Volunteers for the liturgical ministries of Reader, Eucharistic Minister, Musician (Choir of instruments), Greeter, Server, and Usher are open to all parishioners. Preparation is provided.

Pastoral Care Visitors
Volunteers connect the parish with the homebound and those in healthcare facilities by visiting and bringing Holy Communion to them. There is training offered for those interested in this ministry.

Peace and Justice Committee
I would like to build a peace and justice committee – anyone interested in being involved please see me. Peace and Justice addresses social justice issues at home, nationally, and internationally. Some things it could include: working with Family Service Association, Habitat for Humanity of Otsego County, St. Mary’s Food Pantry or the Butternut Valley Food Pantry. With St. Mary's.

Prayer and Worship Committee
Plans and visions for the liturgical life and worship experience of the parish. With St. Mary's.

Widows Tea
Evevery other month - 3rd Tuesday at 10am

Socities meetings at St. Mary’s

Knights of Columbus
A spiritual and social organization for Catholic men. See www.kofc.org for local information, contact Council 4989
Andrew Capra, Grand Knight (607) 432‐6366

Rosary Society
a spiritual and social organization for Catholic women. For information contact
Kathy Jones (607) 432‐9015

Young at Heart (seniors)
Social gatherings on Tuesdays at 12noon in the Parish Center. For information contact Angie VanBramer at (607) 432‐6088