Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am


Sacrament of Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office (518) 283-1162.

Sacrament of Matrimony: Please make arrangements at least six months prior to the intended date. There is a marriage preparation program called Pre Cana. Call (518) 283-1162 or email the Parish Office

Sacrament of the Sick: Please call the office if anyone needs to be anointed. If you wish to receive a sacrament and are unable to celebrate Mass with us, contact the Parish Office at (518) 283-1162.

Hospital Visitation: Please contact the Parish Office at (518) 283-1162.

Communion to the Homebound: Please contact the Parish Office at (518) 283-1162.

Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3-3:30PM or by appointment