Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am

Purchase Fair Trade Products

We suspended Fair Trade sales in March as a safety precaution due to COVID.  Until it is safe to continue sales onsite at church we would like to provide an opportunity for you to continue to purchase Fair Trade products – coffee (ground or whole bean), chocolate bars, tea, almonds, hot cocoa, and more.

To place an order contact Lois Terry at 518 283-6863 or e-mail sjfairtrade@gmail.com.  The order will be filled and dropped off at the Parish Office. You will be notified when your order is ready for pickup.  Pickup is at the reception desk in the Parish Office during normal business hours. If necessary alternate pickup arrangements can be made. Payment is due upon pickup. Payment methods are cash, exact change only, or check, made out to St. Jude’s Church.  Please place payment in an envelope marked Fair Trade.

Team Pathways Fair Trade Service Project Information  |  Fair Trade Product List