Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am

St. Stanislaus, Amsterdam

Please contact the Parish Office at the Saint John Paul II Parish Center to begin the preparation for and scheduling of a sacrament.


Infant Baptism

Parents should make an appointment with the parish priest, deacon, or pastoral associate.  We encourage families to schedule a baptism during a weekend liturgy, but the sacrament may be scheduled to accommodate family needs and preferences.

Adult Baptism (from 7 years old)

If you are an adult seeking to become a Christian in the Catholic tradition, the Church invites you into a process of inquiry and preparation.  The process of formation and study and a meeting schedule can be tailored according to individual needs, schedule, and background of the candidate. 

First Eucherist

A process of preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist are afforded each year.  A diocesan requirement for new families to the parish is that children must participate in the parish Faith Formation Process for at least a year prior to entering the preparation process.


A process of preparation for the reception of the Sacrament is afforded each year.  A diocesan requirement for new families to the parish is that adolescents must participate in the parish Faith Formation Process for at least a year prior to entering the preparation process and be 15 years of age at the time of reception.

Christians baptized in another Christian Church

For those individuals who wish to “come into communion” with, that is, join the Catholic Church, a period of preparation and education are afforded.  This period will prepare a person to make their Profession of Faith in the Catholic Community and complete their initiation through the reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.

Reconciliation (Confession)

The Sacrament can be celebrated individually by appointment or on the First Saturday of each month, at 3:00 p.m.  Seasonal communal celebrations are scheduled in Advent and Lent.


Couples should make an appointment with the parish priest at least 6 months to a year prior to the proposed date.  Please do not make any other arrangements until this contact has been made.  Below is an excerpt from the guidelines for marriage and marriage preparation at Saint Stanislaus.

Marriage Guidelines

Your marriage is an occasion of great hope and joy for the Church, your families and friends.  The information provided is to help you in your preparation to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage.  It includes the marriage preparation process as offered here through the parish, documents you will need to obtain and information for the wedding ceremony.    We look forward to working with you as you make this step in the Christian community. 

An Important Notice:  If either of you have been married before under any circumstances, religious, civil or common law;  if you have been previously married in the Catholic Church and the marriage was not annulled, no date can be set until there is a determination of your freedom to enter into a sacramental marriage.

Annointing of the Sick

The sacrament may be celebrated with anyone who is seriously sick, infirm or prior to hospitalization and surgery.  You or a member of the family need only contact the Parish Office. 

In all hospitalizations, please notify the Pastoral Care Office of the hospital, if you wish to receive the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion or Reconciliation (Confession).

Holy Orders


For those men seeking information concerning the discernment and preparation process for the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the Diaconal Order, you can begin at the website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany: hover over offices and click on Deacons.


For those men seeking information concerning the discernment and preparation process for the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the Presbyteral Order, you can begin at the website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany: hover over offices and click on Vocations.

Vowed Life

Though not entered into by way of a Sacrament, the vowed life of brothers and sisters (nuns) is another important witness within the Catholic tradition.  For those women and men seeking information on vowed religious life, you can begin at the website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany: hover over offices then click on Vicar for Clergy.