Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am


Ministries play an important part in the spiritual lives of parishioners who desire to use their talents and God’s gifts to serve God and their fellow-parishioners.  

There are many opportunities to participate as an active parishioner.  Some ministries such as Lector and Minister of the Cup are formal, requiring commissioning by the Pastor and a commitment to a service schedule.  There are also particular diocesan requirements for those ministries.  Other ministries are less formal, but very important to the quality of parish life and the attitude that St. Stanislaus as a welcoming and inclusive parish.  St. Stanislaus has a number of parish organizations that provide opportunities for service to God and to parish, for fellowship, and for sharing ideas and creativity.

The Lector has the privilege of proclaiming the Word of God at liturgical celebrations. Parishioners who come forward for this ministry are asked to meet for instructions on procedures and then be assigned to one weekend liturgy.  A personal prayer life and regular attendance at the Eucharist are an important foundation for this ministry.

Eucharistic Minister
The Eucharistic Minister has the privilege of distributing to God’s people the Eucharist under both species at the liturgy. Parishioners who come forward for this ministry are asked to meet for instructions on procedures and then be assigned to one weekend liturgy.  A personal prayer life and regular attendance at the Eucharist are an important foundation for this ministry.

"Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted."  Did you ever consider who it is who is to do the comforting?  It has always been a ministry among Christians to care for the dead and the bereaved.  One of each of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy deal with the faithful departed, respectively, to bury the dead and to pray for the living and the departed.

The Lazarus Ministry, named after the brother of Mary and Martha whom Jesus raised from the dead, offers those who mourn their gift of PRESENCE and TIME at all funeral liturgies. They provide:

  • support through the communal prayers and song of the Eucharist;
  • with the priest, represent the whole parish at the death of one of our own;
  • minister by receiving the body of our deceased and welcoming the family;
  • ministering as readers, eucharistic ministers and acolytes.

This ministry is open to all parishioners who are available Monday through Saturday, or any part of the week, during the day.  A contact person notifies the members through a phone tree as soon as word of a death is received in the parish office.  Members of the ministry who would be available that particular morning gather in the Church twenty minutes before the scheduled funeral time to receive their liturgical assignments. 
Lazurus Flyer

Singing should always be a joyous activity.  The Ministry of Choir is one means by which joy is expressed through singing. 

The mission of the St. Stanislaus Church choir is to enrich, inspire, motivate and engage the community in hymns and sacred songs in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations.
To become a member of the choir one must:
Possess a love and a reasonable skill for singing;
Be willing to abide by the rules and regulations of St. Stanislaus Church;
Have a positive attitude, team spirit, and a sense of great expectation;
Be an active and registered member of St. Stanislaus Church
Attend rehearsals.

Choir rehearsals are generally scheduled for Tuesday evenings.  They are held in preparation for weekend liturgies approximately twice a month and for the major Church holidays on a more frequent basis. 
Choir Flyer

Ministry to Homebound
This ministry addresses those of our parishioners who due to age and infirmity can no longer gather with the community for prayer and activities.  By bring a personal presence, news and Holy Communion; these parishioners keep a contact with our homebound.

Alter Server
Serving at the altar is open to all parishioners regardless of age and gender, however a server must have celebrated their First Reconciliation and reception of First Communion.  Servers assist the assembly, priest and deacon by the ministries needed during the Eucharist in processions, preparing the altar and all other acolyte duties.  Alter Server Flyer

Ushers assist parishioners in finding a seat, taking up the collection, and being available to assist parishioners as they enter the church.

Greeters are an important part of parish life.  They are most likely the first person a parishioner or visitor sees when they enter the church. 

The qualifications required to be a greeter are simple:  smile and be friendly, smile and be warm, smile and be helpful and be familiar with current events in the parish.  Also be aware of new parishioners and visitors.