Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am

Parish Groups

Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society of St. Stanislaus Parish was founded in 1955.  It is an active organization of men that meets in the Parish Hall on the 2nd Sunday of each month between September and June before the 10:00 a.m. Mass.  All men of the parish who have reached the age of 18 are invited to join the organization. 

The Holy Name Society holds several corporate communion breakfasts each year when the members come together to as a body to participate in Sunday mass and then enjoy a breakfast in the Church Hall.  There is also an annual city-wide corporate communion gathering; planning for and location of the gathering is rotated among the participating societies in the city.

One of the most important and community-building activities is the baking of bread for the Annual Holy Name Bake sale held on Palm Sunday weekends.  Members of the society gather in the church hall kitchen and bake babka bread and a specialty grain bread; several teams of members work through the day and night to bake an average of 750 loaves of bread to sell at the bake sale!

This local group is a part of and follows the by-laws of the National Association of the Holy Name Society that is dedicated to the spiritual formation of its members.

The essential obligation of the Holy Name member can be summed up in the phrase of the Our Father, “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”  Thus:

  • The member should avoid disrespect to the name of God, Jesus, and of what is sacred . . .,
  • The member should, as far as prudent, induce others to refrain from such insults,
  • The member should praise and glorify God by fidelity to prayer,
  • The member should … bring others to know and honor the name of God,
  • The member should avoid any conduct that would cause or tempt others to ridicule or despise their Catholicity or the Holy Name Society…,
  • The member should fulfill all the obligations of membership in the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, according to one’s state in life….

Holy Names Society Flyer

Ladies' Rosary Society
The Ladies’ Rosary Society was established September 25, 1892 with the purpose to promote and spread honor and devotion to the Blessed Mother through praying the rosary privately and publicly; and to provide assistance to the parish and others as needed.


  • lead the praying of the rosary before Eucharist on Sunday and its Vigil.
  • are a part of a 15 member group with the responsibility for reciting one decade of the rosary daily.
  • during the month of October participate in the local Rosary Rally held in Amsterdam and provide flowers for the Virgin’s altar.
  • pray the rosary at the wake of deceased members.
  • host an annual Easter Dinner (Swięconka) on an appropriate Sunday in April and a Christmas dinner on the second Sunday in January.  These serve as fundraisers for the Society.
  • are a helping hand to the parish through annual donations to meet fuel costs, the Bishop’s Appeal and other needs as requested.
  • support parish functions by the preparation of food for receptions and other gatherings.


  • …is open to all women parishioners who have reached the age of 21.  
  • Meetings are held every 2nd Sunday of the month, September through June, at 2:00pm in the Church Hall. 
  • Annual membership dues are $10.00. 
Ladies Rosary Society Flyer

Pierogi Angels
The Pierogi Angels are a group of dedicated women and men who provide their time and talent several times during the year to support the parish’s fund raising efforts which in turn enable the parish to continue to support the spiritual and pastoral needs of its parishioners.

This group prepares the ingredients and assembles pierogi and golumbki to provide Polish food for the St. Stanislaus Parish Festival each summer and makes pierogi for a November Pierogi Sale.

In June they meet for several days each week for several weeks to prepare cabbage and potato-cheese pierogi for the parish festival.  Then in July they meet immediately before the Festival to prepare the golumbki to serve.

Once again they meet in early fall for several days each week to prepare pierogi that will be sold as an important fundraiser in November.

If you want to learn how to make these traditional Polish foods and would like to join in an activity that is fun, builds friendships, and supports the parish, please call the Parish Office at 518.842.2771 for more information.