Sacred Heart
Sunday: 9:00 AM

Immaculate Conception
Sunday: 11:00 AM

A Brief Introduction To The Charisms

Most Common Charismatic Gifts - List as PDF

  • Encouragement: Empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of God’s love by strengthening and healing individuals in remarkable ways through his or her presence and words

  • Helps: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s goodness by using his or her skills, talents, and charisms to empower other individuals to serve God and people more fruitfully

  • Hospitality: Empowers a Christian to be a generous channel of God’s love by warmly welcoming and caring for those in need of food, shelter, and friendship

  • Mercy: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s love through hands-on, practical deeds of compassion that relieve the distress of those who suffer and help them experience God’s love

  • Pastoring: Empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of Gods love, building Christian community by nurturing the relationships and long-term spiritual growth of a group

  • Evangelism: Empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of God’s love by sharing the faith with others — baptized or not — in a way the draws them to intentionally follow Jesus as his disciple in the midst of his Church

  • Prophecy: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of divine truth and wisdom by communicating a word or call of God to individuals or a group through inspired words or actions

  • Teaching: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s truth and wisdom by enabling others to learn information and skills that help them reach their fullest spiritual and personal potential

  • Administration: Empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of God’s wisdom through planning and delegation, and by coordinating the resources and efforts of a group to accomplish a Kingdom purpose

  • Leadership: Empowers a Christian to be an agent of God’s purposes by sharing a new and compelling vision of a better future with others and then directing the overall efforts of the group as they work together to make that vision a reality

  • Giving: Empowers a Christian to be a cheerful channel of God’s provision by giving money and material good with extraordinary generosity to those is need

  • Service: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s purposes by recognizing the logistical gaps or unmet needs that can prevent good things from happening, and by personally doing whatever it takes to bridge the gap or meet the need

  • Celibacy: Empowers a Christian to be most fulfilled and spiritually fruitful by remains unmarried and celibate for the sake of Christ

  • Extraordinary Faith: Empowers a Christian to be an effective agent of God’s purposes through a radical trust in the love, power, and provision of God and [to have] an extraordinary freedom to act on that trust

  • Missionary: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s goodness to others by effectively and joyfully using his or her charisms in a second culture

  • Voluntary Poverty: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s loving presence by living a life of cheerful, voluntary simplicity or poverty to identify with Jesus and the poor

  • Healing: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s love through whom God cures illness and restores health when healing is unlikely to occur quickly or to happen at all

  • Intercessory Prayer: Empowers the focused, sustained prayer of a Christian for others as the means by which God’s love and deliverance reaches those in need

  • Knowledge: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s truth through diligent, prayerful study and intellectual inquiry that enables us to better understand God, ourselves, and the universe

  • Wisdom: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s goodness through extraordinary insight that enables him or her to come up with original or creative solutions to specific problems and to make good decisions

  • Craftsmanship: Empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of God’s goodness to others through sacred or secular artistic creativity that beautifies and orders the physical world

  • Music: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s creative goodness to others through writing or performing music for the delight of others and the praise of God

  • Writing: Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s creativity by using words to create works of truth or beauty that reflect the fullness of human experience and bring glory to God